1. SmartronixJanuary 16, 2017

    Great explanation sir, thank you Till, much appreciated!

  2. Mubashir HasanJanuary 16, 2017

    Hi Till sir, how are you? i need your help, i live in a country where only payment gateways that work are 2checkout and skrill so what would you suggest me? one of your student was using 2checkout for drop shipping can you tell me how was his experience with them? as i've read so many horror stories about them. i want to use it for an e-commerce store. your help would be great. thanks.

  3. QuazimodoJanuary 21, 2017

    One thing that amazes me is that you still have time to reply to all of our comments despite having multiple businesses. Thanks again Till.

  4. Devesh BharadkarFebruary 28, 2017

    Hey Till, how much can you charge the client such as local business. I've seen people saying you can charge anywhere from 1.5k to 3k, does this amount include the ad spent. Basically how do you go about charging them when your a new agengy

    PS offcourse i'll consider giving them a free trial of my service

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